What is the SIDE SHOW, you may ask. It is a rag tag group of "freaks" for lack of a better term who have latched on to the circus train. They present themselves as a diversion before the big show.
How fitting that term is these days as I look around at all the growing numbers of people who have begun awakening from a long slumber in the comforting arms of blissful ignorance.
What you are about to witness here will astound and amaze you as the secrets of the universe reveal themselves to such wandering eyes. You will stand in awe at the majesty of our ecosystem, as well as the beauty and wonders of galaxies of mysteries once believed to be improbable.
There are so many mysteries awaiting us to discover for ourselves. I cannot teach you anything, but, if you will but allow me the privilege, I can serve as a guide along that path. It may seem a bit dark, bleak, and ominous at times, but together we can and shall persevere.
So, join me as we awaken that sleeping giant within each of us, and rediscover that curious child within us all. We will explore the deepest crevasses of our "souls," and journey through worlds untold to discover ourselves and become as beacons of light amidst the darkness.
A world of wonders await us just around this bend.
Okay, yeah. I admit, that sounds kinda cheesey. I'm just trying to awaken that showman within to provide some quality infotainment.